InoChem Management System (IMS)
Our road map towards operational excellence has been developed since the early stages of company establishment. Business processes, policies, and procedures have been developed to meet the expected requirements by applying continuous improvement during the journey.

IMS Policy
We all at InoChem are committed to:
Implement global best practices by complying to statutory, regulatory & other applicable requirements.
Navigate quality & EHSS risks by environmental protection, pollution prevention, safe & secure working conditions –free of injuries & ill health.
Operate by promoting operational excellence, sustainability, innovation & financial growth.
Constitute corporate governance by upholding values, employee engagements & workplace culture.
Highlight continuous Improvement of target KPIs by implementing Responsible Care® Guiding Principles.
Ensure steadfast supply chain network by delivering high quality business experience.
Make known this policy to all our stakeholders thereby ensuring transparency & their inclusiveness.
IMS Model
IMS is an integration of ISO 9001: 2015 & RC 14001: 2015. InoChem intends to add to and integrate its InoChem Management System (IMS) structure with applicable standards, global best practices (GBPs), and applicable industry benchmarks at required times as determined by InoChem IMS Steering Committee. Our leadership demonstrates its commitment to deploy and continuously improve IMS. It establishes, monitors, and continuously improves effectiveness and efficiency of our business processes, documentation, and roles and responsibilities (R & R) for achieving quality policies and objectives. At InoChem, quality is all about “consistently meeting and exceeding our stakeholder’s expectations”. In essence, our customers define our quality.
EHSS Policy
At InoChem, we uphold our EHSS policy, which stands for environment, health, safety, and security. Part of our philosophy is ensuring that we maintain best practices to guarantee safe and healthy working environments in which both our employees and our product are of the highest value. Upholding our policy means that we are committed to:
Incorporate compliance to EHSS Best Practices, S&R requirements through awareness & trainings
Navigate elimination of hazards with potential to cause injuries, health issues, or environmental impacts
Operate by providing all applicable resources wherein everyone exercises all InoChem safety measures
Constitute setting & reviewing of objectives and KPIs to continuously improve our EHSS & IMS
Highlight EHSS integration into planning, consultation, & coordination of all our business processes
Ensure continuous improvement of our EHSS culture for the workplace, our customers, and stakeholders
Make known our EHSS highlights of InoChem’s culture of excellence & innovation